Best Solar Companies in Baltimore

Baltimore boasts several reputable solar companies known for their expertise in efficient and reliable solar installations. These companies manage each solar project from design to installation, ensuring tailored solutions for every client. These solar energy companies in Baltimore offer tailored solutions that cater to individual energy needs and maximize the geographical advantages of the area. Maryland Solar Solutions is a highly-rated local solar power company known for its outstanding service and excellent customer ratings. Going solar in Baltimore provides numerous benefits, including significant reductions in energy bills, enhanced property values, and a lower environmental footprint.

Moreover, utilizing solar power helps homeowners become less dependent on traditional energy sources, contributes to energy independence, and leverages the abundant sunshine in the region for sustainable power generation. These advantages make investing in solar a wise decision for Baltimore residents.

What to Look for in a Solar Company in Baltimore

When choosing a solar company in Baltimore, Renewable Energy Advisors recommends considering several critical factors to ensure a successful installation and long-term satisfaction. Evaluate the company’s experience and reputation by reviewing their past projects and customer feedback, which reflects their ability to deliver quality service consistently. Make sure the company holds all necessary certifications and licenses, proving their adherence to industry standards and regulations.

Assess the quality of the products solar companies Baltimore MD offer, including solar panels and components, and check if they come with robust warranties. A reputable company should provide a full range of services, from initial site assessment and system design to installation, maintenance, and support. Additionally, consider their transparency and customer service; they should offer clear and detailed contracts and explain all costs up front without hidden fees.

Finally, look into the financing options they provide, which can help make the transition to solar more affordable.

Here are some additional factors you should consider:

Determining the Size of the System Required

Determining the correct size for a solar system in Baltimore requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure optimal efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The process begins with evaluating your household’s current electricity usage, which can be found on your utility bills. This data helps in estimating the capacity required to cover your energy needs.

Additionally, the physical characteristics of your home, such as roof space and exposure to sunlight, play a significant role. A south-facing roof without shade will typically yield the best solar power output. It’s also important to consider future changes that might increase energy consumption, such as purchasing an electric vehicle or adding a new room.

Professionals and providers from solar panel installation companies in Baltimore use this information to recommend a system size that will not only meet your current energy needs but also provide scalability for future demands. Each solar project is tailored to meet specific energy needs and future demands, ensuring a customized solution for every client. Accurately sizing the system is crucial to maximizing investment return and ensuring adequate power generation.

Energy providers, like Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), engage with customers using solar systems by purchasing excess energy produced by these systems. They offer a Standard Offer-of-Service rate for any additional energy produced.


When investing in a solar energy system, understanding the types of warranties available is crucial, as they provide a safeguard for your investment. Warranties provide a safeguard for the investment in a solar project. Three main types of warranties cover different aspects of a solar system:

Manufacturer’s Equipment Warranty (Product Guarantee)

This warranty protects against defects in the manufacturing of solar panels and other equipment. It generally lasts between 10 and 25 years and ensures that the solar panels, inverters, and other components are free from manufacturing flaws that could affect their performance or longevity.

Performance Warranty (Power Guarantee)

Such a warranty covers the output capacity of the solar panels Baltimore City works with. Manufacturers guarantee that the solar panels will produce a certain percentage of their rated power over a specified period, typically 25 years. For instance, a common provision might guarantee that the panels will operate at no less than 80% of their rated capacity after 25 years.

Workmanship Warranty

This warranty, which the installer rather than the manufacturer offers, covers problems with the installation procedure itself. The duration of this warranty can vary, usually ranging from one to 10 years, and it protects against problems due to improper installation, such as roof leaks or electrical issues that could arise from a faulty setup.

Solar Panel Type

Solar technology offers various types of panels, each with unique features and suited to different needs and environments. Here’s a look at four common types:

Selecting the right type of solar panel is crucial for the success of a solar project.

Monocrystalline Solar Panels

These panels are made from single-crystal silicon, making them the most efficient type available on the market. They have a high power output and occupy less space than other types due to their high efficiency. The production process of monocrystalline silicon is intricate, leading to a higher price point. They are distinguishable by their consistent dark color and rounded edges.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Constructed from fragments of silicon crystals melted together, polycrystalline panels are less efficient than monocrystalline options. However, they have a lower production cost, which makes them a more budget-friendly option. They are distinguishable by their somewhat grainy, blue appearance and do not perform as well in low-light situations as monocrystalline panels.

Thin-Film Solar Panels

This type is made by placing one or more layers of photovoltaic material on a substrate. These panels are lightweight and flexible, which allows them to be used on surfaces where traditional panels might be unsuitable. Thin-film panels have a lower efficiency and shorter lifespan but are less expensive to produce and can perform better in shaded or low-light conditions.

Solar Shingles

Integrating solar technology into traditional roofing materials, solar shingles offer a less obtrusive option for harnessing solar power. While they are aesthetically pleasing and can be designed to look like regular shingles, their efficiency is generally lower than that of traditional solar panels. They are ideal for new buildings or replacements where homeowners prefer the solar panels to blend in with the traditional roofing.

Average Cost Per Watt

The average cost per watt for solar panels in Baltimore typically ranges between $2.50 and $3.50. This price includes all the components necessary for a complete installation, such as the solar panels themselves, inverters, mounting hardware, and the cost of installation labor. Understanding the cost per watt is essential for budgeting a solar project.

The final price per watt can vary based on several factors, including:

  • The type and brand of solar panel chosen
  • The complexity of the installation
  • Any additional equipment that may be required to optimize the system for specific household needs.

Additionally, economies of scale can come into play; larger systems tend to have a lower cost per watt than smaller systems.

Top Solar Companies in Baltimore

  1. Renewable Energy Corporation: Our choice for financing options & most experienced in Maryland
  2. Palmetto: Our choice for protection plans
  3. Sunpower: Our choice for all states

Baltimore Federal Solar Incentives

In Baltimore, residents can take advantage of federal solar incentives, including the federal tax credit, to reduce the upfront cost of installing solar panels. The primary incentive is the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows homeowners and businesses to deduct 30% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from their federal taxes. This significant tax credit is applicable to the total cost of the system, including both the equipment and installation costs. Federal incentives can significantly reduce the cost of a solar project.

The ITC is available for both residential and commercial installations, and there is no cap on its value. This makes solar investments more affordable and financially attractive, encouraging more homeowners and businesses in Baltimore to transition to renewable energy.

Baltimore Local Solar Incentives

Baltimore offers additional local solar incentives that complement federal benefits, making solar installations even more appealing. One notable incentive is the Maryland Residential Clean Energy Rebate Program, which provides a rebate for the installation of solar photovoltaic systems. Homeowners can receive $1,000 for installing a solar PV system, further reducing the initial cost. Local incentives can further reduce the cost of a solar project, making it more accessible and financially viable.

State and federal incentives, specific programs like Maryland’s solar renewable energy credit market, and community solar initiatives allow customers to benefit from solar energy generated by larger systems without needing to install their own panels.

Additionally, the state of Maryland offers a Renewable Energy Credit, allowing solar system owners to earn credits for the electricity their system generates, which they can sell on the renewable energy market to offset the cost of installation. These incentives collectively enhance the economic feasibility of adopting solar power in Baltimore.

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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in Baltimore?

The cost of solar panel installation in Baltimore varies by the size of the system installed. When considering how much solar panels can save customers, it’s essential to compare savings based on different electric providers. The ITC significantly impacts the initial expense by allowing homeowners to deduct 30% of the installation cost from their federal taxes, thus making solar technology more affordable. Understanding the cost of solar panels is essential for budgeting a solar project.

The table below illustrates system costs before and after the ITC is applied, ranging from a 3 kW system costing $12,934 (reduced to $9,054 with the ITC) to a 10 kW system at $34,930 (reduced to $24,451 with the ITC). These prices include the cost of panels, inverters, and installation. It’s important to note that actual costs may vary based on the specific products selected and the installer.

Variations are common due to the customization of the systems to meet the specific energy needs and roof specifications of each home, enhancing the overall value of the investment for Baltimore homeowners.

Cost of Solar Panels in Baltimore by System Size

System Size

System Cost

System Cost (after ITC)

3 kW



4 kW



5 kW



6 kW



7 kW



8 kW



9 kW



10 kW



How Do We Rate Solar Companies Baltimore?

When rating the solar companies Baltimore offers, Renewable Energy Advisors typically use a comprehensive evaluation method that focuses on several key aspects of each company’s service, performance, and overall value to customers. This structured approach ensures that consumers receive balanced, well-researched information to make informed decisions about solar companies MD. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the criteria used:

Quality of Products

The quality of the solar panels and other components offered by a solar company is paramount. Advisors assess whether the products of solar companies in Baltimore meet industry standards for efficiency and durability. We check if the company uses Tier 1 solar panels, which are generally made by well-respected manufacturers known for their high quality and longevity. The quality of these products is crucial for the success of any solar project.

Installation Process

Renewable Energy Advisors evaluate the efficiency, professionalism, and timeline of the installation process. This includes assessing the expertise of technicians and whether the company manages all aspects of the installation, including permits and coordination with local utilities. A smooth installation process is essential for the success of a solar project.

Costs and Financing Options

The cost of solar installations and the availability of flexible financing options are crucial factors. Renewable Energy Advisors examine the transparency of the company in its pricing and whether it offers competitive rates. They also evaluate the range of financing options available, such as leases, loans, and power purchase agreements (PPAs), and whether these options are tailored to meet diverse customer needs. Understanding costs and financing options is essential for budgeting a solar project.

Customer Service

This includes pre- and post-installation services. Advisors consider the company’s responsiveness to inquiries and issues, the clarity of information provided to customers, and the support available for claiming incentives and understanding the solar system’s operation. You should find solar panel companies Baltimore offers that provide comprehensive, courteous, and timely customer service and score highly. Good customer service is crucial for the success of any solar project.

Warranties and Guarantees

Warranties are essential for protecting your investment in solar technology. Longer warranty periods for products and workmanship are indicators of a company’s confidence in its offerings. Advisors look at the length and inclusiveness of these warranties. Warranties provide a safeguard for the investment in a solar project, ensuring long-term reliability and performance.

Reputation and Reviews

Long-term reputation and customer reviews are integral to the evaluation. Advisors look at customer feedback across various platforms, checking for consistency in customer satisfaction and how the company handles complaints.

Certifications and Partnerships

Certifications from recognized industry organizations like the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) add credibility. Partnerships with major manufacturers and participation in state or national solar programs are also positive indicators.

Environmental Impact

Companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability beyond just selling solar products — such as participating in recycling programs, using sustainable materials in their operations, or engaging in community-based environmental initiatives — are rated favorably.

These criteria help us, Renewable Energy Advisors, provide a well-rounded review of the best solar companies Baltimore has, ensuring that homeowners in Baltimore can choose a reliable provider that meets their specific needs and contributes positively to their transition to renewable energy.

How Much Can You Save by Switching to Solar Power in Baltimore?

Switching to solar power in Baltimore offers substantial savings over time. For instance, the average cost of a 6 kW solar system, including installation, is about $21,674. With state incentives that reduce costs by 30%, or approximately $6,502, the total cost drops to $15,172. Homeowners typically reach the break-even point in just 6 years. Over a period of 20 years, the estimated savings amount to $36,154, and this increases to $42,167 over 25 years. It’s important to note that actual savings can vary based on the specific location and the amount of sunlight received. The financial benefits of a solar project can lead to substantial savings over time.

Is Investing in Solar Panels a Good Decision in Baltimore?

Investing in solar panels is a wise decision in Baltimore, given the significant financial returns and environmental benefits. With state incentives reducing initial costs and the average break-even point at just 6 years, homeowners can recover their investment relatively quickly. Over a span of 20 to 25 years, the savings on utility bills can reach up to $42,167, making solar panels not only a cost-effective choice but also a sustainable one.

Additionally, solar energy reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources, contributing to decreased carbon emissions. Thus, an investment in solar panels supports both financial health and environmental sustainability. Investing in a solar project supports both financial health and environmental sustainability.

FAQ on Solar Power in Baltimore

What is the highest-rated solar company in Baltimore?

According to Renewable Energy Advisors, several companies have received high ratings for their services in Baltimore. The best-rated company can vary based on specific customer reviews and recent feedback. It is recommended to check updated reviews and compare the services and products offered by these top-rated alternative energy companies in Baltimore to find the one that best fits your needs and financing.

What happens if my home generates more electricity than I need?

When your solar panels produce more electricity than your home consumes, the excess energy is typically fed back into the grid through a system known as net metering. You receive credits from your utility company for this excess power, which can offset the cost of power drawn from the grid during times when your solar system isn’t producing enough to meet your home’s demand.

What type of solar panels do Baltimore residents prefer?

Baltimore residents generally prefer and search for “monocrystalline solar panels Baltimore” on Google due to their high efficiency and durability. These panels are more effective at converting sunlight into electricity and perform better in a range of weather conditions, which is ideal for Maryland’s climate.

How much would it cost to install solar panels for a Baltimore home of about 2,000 sq ft?

The cost of installing solar panels on a 2,000-square-foot home in Baltimore typically ranges between $18,000 and $29,000 before state and federal incentives. After applying these incentives, the cost can decrease significantly, making solar an affordable option for many homeowners.

Do solar panels need maintenance?

Solar panels are engineered to necessitate minimal upkeep. Their robust design enables them to endure diverse weather conditions, from torrential rain to gusty winds and heavy snowfall, thereby ensuring their cleanliness and functionality over time. Conducting routine visual inspections and proactively removing any debris or dirt accumulation from the panels are recommended practices to uphold their efficiency and prolong their lifespan. By adhering to these maintenance measures, solar panel owners can optimize the performance of their systems and maximize their renewable energy output.

How often do you need to clean solar panels?

Cleaning solar panels is typically advised on an annual or biannual basis to eliminate any buildup of dirt, leaves, or debris that might impede sunlight penetration and diminish efficiency. However, the ideal frequency may vary depending on the prevailing environmental factors in a particular region. For instance, if you live in an area prone to high levels of pollen or dust, you may need to clean more frequently to ensure optimal performance. By staying attuned to local conditions and adhering to a regular cleaning schedule, solar panel owners can maximize their energy production and extend the longevity of their systems.

Do solar panels increase home value?

Yes, installing solar panels can increase the value of your home. Studies have shown that homes with solar installations sell for more than homes without them. This increase in value depends on several factors, including the location of the property, the size of the installation, and the age of the solar system. Additionally, homes with solar panels often sell faster than those without, as buyers are increasingly seeking energy-efficient homes.

 Written by Yaroslav K.

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